Parshwika Bhandari
9 min readAug 4, 2021


I started on the society6 a few months back in the october of 2020 and in the october november december and I think till the april I just uploaded few designs like I just uploaded 15 to 20 designs onto the society6 I wasn’t really active on that I wasn’t really consistent because I was still researching the market onto the society6 what actually sells what are the niches and how I can add my designs or how I can provide value to the marketplace because from my experience I see that every marketplace is unique in their own sense like of course we can upload the one design that we are posting onto the teepublic or the rest of the predominant platform as well but of course every platform is unique the designs that are selling on one platform may not be that easily selling on other platforms so I was doing the research to see what is kind of products are selling well what are the niches what are the topics and doing all those things to actually get the sale or even to get the few sales in the future so it took me really long time because guys I do a lot many stuffs at a time so when something just overwhelm me I just put that thing on a hold for a few months or maybe for a few days until I feel okay with that.

Then I get started with that some time I give it some months to actually do the research and then I became serious with it, exploring more of a design from the may of 2021 and then I uploaded my first design no not the first design guys I’ve already uploaded a few designs before that but I uploaded the design in the july itself would get me the for sale I got my first sale on 29 july of 2021 yes I got my for sale and I sold the art print and the design that gets sold I uploaded that design in july itself so the designs that I’ve uploaded before that didn’t get me any sales so far but the design that I uploaded in the july got me the first sale in 29th july so that is the thing before that I was really I was not that much really consistent I was doing the research kind of like searching for the platform ideas and all those things but I really took it seriously in the may of 2021 now it isn’t that glamorous story as you would be thinking that I got my first sale within a few weeks under society6 I was so lucky and all those kind of stuff no I was on the society6 from the past october 2020 but I didn’t uploaded that much design to actually get the sales until may of 2021 and on the may of 2021 I took it really seriously and I started uploading more of the designs and then I got the first sale back in the july of 2021.


The first tip that I really have for you guys is to upload more now this is just the common tips and tricks everyone talk about that but it’s really important because if you just have the 10 designs 20 designs or 50 designs you don’t know like which of the designs you’re actually going to get the sales or maybe you won’t be getting any sales so I would say upload more design to actually see what fits into that platform what actually sells on that platform what kind of product what kind of design what kind of niche and then you can double down on the stuffs which is actually working well for you so you can’t do the research or you can’t come to up to a result by just uploading 50 designs or 100 designs onto a platform because quite less if we do the comparison with the rest of the platform all the rest of the platform has millions of designs and you just uploaded 100 designs so the 100 designs are very less to come up to any conclusion like what kind of designs are selling what are the products what are the niches what are the topics so to upload more products this is the one and foremost the first step.

The second thing is before actually starting with any platform do your research although you can upload the same design on each and every platform on some platform, some of the designs sell amazingly well, and on some may not be selling that well, for example, let me give you an example the space the galaxy the gaming type of design sell amazingly well onto the displate but if I go to the society6 I would going to see galaxies face gaming all those Sells well on the society six as well but not many people are uploading such kind of designs on society6 on the society6 you’ll gonna see kind of like an abstract designs kind of like an expressionism or contemporary kind of art more Sell onto the society6 again guys it’s my own research maybe it varies from person to person but I feel like every platform is unique and you need to do your research before actually uploading on that.

The third tip I have for you which is kind of like more unique I would say when you are doing your research check for the designs, to check for the niches in which you are interested so I do the research based on that I love the kind of abstract designs the floral the nature the galaxy kind of like space design so if you are uploading the designs in some niches in which you are not at all interested in like for example if you’re uploading the designs in the politics and you’re not really interested in politics but you’re doing for the sake of getting the sales for the sake of getting the views and all those kind of stuff in the long run you might feel like oh I’m not really interested in that in that I don’t want to do it I don’t want to continue with it like you won’t feel passionate about doing it so choose only those niches in which you are passionate about there are so many different niches that are working amazingly well on this platform but you need to look out for only those niches in which you are passionate about now this kind of tip not many people share not many people talk about but it’s my own personal experience and every kind of designs are selling guys like hiking is selling adventures selling if you want to go with the beauty or the fashion these are also selling well the nature the florals every kind of design sells well so do your research and go for the designs in which you are passionate about.

When you are doing your research check out for the designs in the niches in which you are interested in and check out what other searches are related to that particular design maybe you can find the tags that person is using in design depending on each and every platform in the society6 you’re going to see the tags and the researches searches related to that particular niche and topic you’re going to see at the bottom of the design just scroll down you’re going to see the bottom of the page you’re going to see the searches related to that particular design the ideas the keywords now that are your titles and tag look for those keywords which are already the platform is giving you they will going to give you the suggested searches the suggested keywords those are the keywords that you can use in your title in your tags okay don’t spam it this is another amazing important thing you want to do don’t spam it because these platforms are pretty clever than you they have the system made in a way that if you’re spamming it then your designs would be more likely not getting that much sales as it should be so don’t spam it but you can do be very clever and see what are the searches that actually happening on this platform and when you just scroll down on any particular design either you’re going to see the tags that have been used in the design or either you’re going to see the keywords the searches related to that particular design which you can use

The last tip that I have for you guys be patient nothing happens overnight don’t think that you are just starting with in this month you need to get the first sale in this month itself if you’re not getting it then you are not good enough you suck your designs suck and blah blah blah blah no that’s not the reality that was the reality when you were starting with the platform when you were only the pioneer on the platform if you were starting the print on demand back to three to four years back maybe you would be getting your first sale in the first month and maybe that would be possible I’m not saying that it’s not possible right now to get your first sale in the first month of uploading the designs I’m not saying that but I can say if you are not getting your first sale in your first month of uploading design then don’t be discouraged don’t beat yourself up have patience stay in the game because you are here for a long run it’s a marathon it’s not a one-day task it’s not a one-month task or it’s not a six-month task it’s a marathon you need to put each and every day working on that particular task to reach the goal so keep that thing in mind and you don’t need to have a glamorous story off course many times I don’t have a glamorous story of saying that oh I got my first sale within a few weeks within a month and blah blah blah blah blah and saying all those beautiful cool numbers showing all those numbers hey I make ten thousand dollars I make six figures and kind of like those stories and you get you get the feeling guys those kind of mostly kind of stories would be kind of like a scammy they may be real I’m not saying they are not real they may be real but most of them are kind of like a scammy they are telling you something and they are trying to selling your course they are trying to sell their program their master course or mastermind whatever you call it but I’m not here to sell you anything guys I’m not here to sell you any bs, if you’re just taking it as a one day game or a one month game six month game then it’s not worth it take it as a marathon and depending on your threshold like you can put five designs on each day then go for it if you can only put the one design that’s okay and if you can only work on the weekends or the things that’s okay depending on your threshold depending on your circumstances your situation work on that and take it as a marathon it will going to it will going to take some time to get the get the sales okay if you are not getting in the first month you’re not getting your first sale in the first month don’t beat yourself up okay it’s quite natural it’s quite normal it happens to me many times I didn’t got my first sale within the first monthit happened to me many times that doesn’t mean that my designs suck or I suck or my designs are not worth it or something like that no the other people are telling that they get their for sale within the first month or something like that of course you can get it I’m not saying that it’s not possible of course you can get it but right now the competition is huge there are already millions of designs that are selling amazingly well on these platforms so for your new design to get the for sale in first month it would be a little bit more difficult it would be a little bit more tough but you can do it but even if you are not getting it then don’t beat yourself up have patience you’re gonna get the results.

I hope you find value in my article do let me know…

